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Windows 7 N Token Edition x86 (2010) Eng, Rus
2011-04-08, 12:37 PM

Windows 7 N Token Edition x86 (2010) [Eng, Rus]

Windows 7 N Token Edition x86 (2010) [ENG, RUS] | 3.36 Gb
Windows 7-N Token – a new assembly. Cusp is a modified interface, which allows for another look at Windows 7. Compiling was developed based on the original image of Windows 7 Ultimate. It was integrated drivers, different software, as well as all the latest security updates.
Heres the installed updfates and hotfix

By default, the system is installed in the English language for the Russification of the system, use the embedded language packs. To activate, use the attached activator, a detailed description of activation is present.

Name: Windows 7 n Token Edition
Year: 2010
Platform: X86
Language: Eng + Rus
Size: 3.36 Gb

ini link downloadnya,,,,



Category: Os Download | Added by: ardhanarc
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